
Thursday, 19 July 2012

Today is the time yesterday would never have.
Spend time constructing your future today. Whatwelove seeks to encourage young individuals to establish and nuture their dreams. check out this picture of this young pair who have started earlier than usual.
They are Peter and Paula Imafidon(Wonder twins), who succeeded in scaling through the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and A-levels examination in Mathematics at the age of seven. They are considered to be  the youngest pupils to be admitted into a Secondary school in the United Kingdom, 2 years after, at age Nine. Amazingly they are Nigerians.
They could be referred to as 'child prodigies'.
It's amazing what young Nigerians can do....
Be a part of whatwelove, encourage young individuals to start early, there are no regrets.
Email us at to be a part of this cause.

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